

性喚起 常牽涉到相應的心理的(如有關思維、學習、情緒等)、社會的(如風俗、道德、倫理、習慣等)與生理的(如腦、內臟、肌膚、神經系統等的動態變化)過程,且上三類因素也常相互關聯和整合為一體。全身尤其是心、肺、血管、神經、肌肉等都可有較劇烈的反應直至最大性喚起的性高潮發生為特徵的不同階段性驅動力的程度

滿足多樣的 性渴望”(desire)、性衝動”(arousal)、性幻想(fantasies



1. 進行口交

2. 同時與兩名女性進行性行為

3. 與伴侶外的其他人發生性關係




1. 在浪漫的地點發生性行為

2. 在非常規地點發生性行為,例如人多的公共場合

3. 進行口交













可能與文化中對性的羞恥與壓抑有關,不同於人類其他的想像,對於性的想像常常被認為是一種禁忌(LaFata, 2014),人們對於性幻想也存在著許多迷思。




1. 控制與服從(Dominance & submission


Emily Dubberley在她的《欲望花園》(Garden of Desires)一書中指出,人們的性幻想常常與“控制感”有關,例如,人們會幻想自己出軌、施虐,或幻想在性愛過程中堅持自己的特殊癖好等等。幻想“控制”,實際上是一種對關係中的權力的欲望。幻想控制,可能與個人在日常生活中的角色有關。平時在生活中受到更多控制的人,會寄希望於通過性幻想來平衡內心對於控制和權力的渴望。


也有些人認為,這種對控制的幻想是社會文化中暴力色情化的延伸(LaFata, 2014),例如一些影視作品中暴力與色情的呼應(angry sex is the best),讓人對暴力下的性產生了好奇和嚮往。




人們通過幻想服從,使自己感覺得以接近那個充滿力量的、擁有眾多資源和魅力的現象中的伴侶(Hutson, 2009)。以服從對方來獲得對對方的佔有感,並且通過這種“佔有”,感覺自己與對方共用了那種力量、資源和魅力,分享了一個更強大的個體的榮光。







2. 被觀看(Being watched




Laura Berman博士認為,這種對於被觀看的幻想,主要是由於對“被窺探”的恐懼可能帶來興奮感。他認為,人們內心對被看見、被偷窺所產生的恐懼,會導致腎上腺素的升高,從而使人產生興奮感(LaFata, 2014)。


另外,哥倫比亞大學醫學中心的精神科醫師Drew Ramsey指出,帶有展示意義的性(exhibition-style sex)本身就能夠讓人感受到強烈的自我膨脹,它包含了對見證者的挑逗性,讓人感受到自己的性魅力和力量感,從而帶來快感與對自己的滿足感(LaFata, 2014)。




3. 角色扮演(Role-playing


幻想角色扮演,包括幻想改變性格特徵或者從著裝打扮到行為舉止的整體改變。最常見的對角色扮演的幻想包括老師與學生、護士與病人、脫衣舞著與顧客等(LaFata, 2014)。角色扮演本身就包含著人們對於“控制與服從”的幻想,例如老師與學生。











4. 非典型一對一(Atypical one-on-one session


還有一種常見的性幻想,是幻想自己與名人明星、與同性(性教育工作者Laci Green認為異性戀者也有可能幻想與同性發生性關係)、前女友/男友或陌生人發生性關係。


研究發現,正在處於交往中的人當中,98%的男性與80%的女性曾經幻想過與其他人發生性關係(Bernstein, 2016)。可能有人會有疑問,在親密關係中幻想和其他人發生關係,是否是一種“出軌”呢?又會否對親密關係造成影響呢?


就目前的研究來看,大多數人在幻想與其他人發生性關係時,就僅僅停留在幻想,並不會付諸實踐(當然,資料顯示還是有16%的人確實與性幻想物件發生了關係)(ABC News, 2004)。











1. 人格特質




2. 依戀類型









正如Esther Perel所說,性幻想是溝通現實與陌生的橋樑,是長期關係的粘合劑。它在我們日常生活的種種束縛與限制之外,開闢了一個獨立的、私人的空間,讓我們能夠真實地表達和釋放自我(Perel, 2015)。


1. 保持親密和欲望


研究發現,當伴侶雙方分享自己的性幻想內容時,他們彼此能感到更親密和信任,也能夠喚起和保持對彼此的欲望(Scott, 1994)。同時,性幻想也會讓人們更傾向于向對方直接表達愛意以及情感支持(Bernstein, 2016)。甚至有些伴侶能通過談論性幻想來獲得一種非性交式快感(outercourse)(Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus, Herold, & McKenzie, 2005)。



2. 保持體態


英國約克大學的一項研究發現,性幻想所帶來的浪漫感覺會提升人體的催產素水準(oxytocin)。催產素是人體的一種荷爾蒙。催產素水準的提升會抑制人們的食欲(Olson, 2016)。這就好像是將人們對食物的渴望轉移至對伴侶的欲望上,從而有助於幫助人們吃的更少,保持體態。(想吃伴侶,能夠讓你更不想吃東西啊)



* 既然人們對於性有如此之多的幻想,且大多數幻想都是有積極意義的,那麼,人們究竟應不應該將這些幻想付諸實踐呢?


性諮詢師Linda Alperstein認為,性幻想與生活就像不同軌道的兩輛列車(LaFata,2014),兩者不應該有所干涉。不過我們認為,不同軌道上的兩輛列車在嚴格的安排與約束下,仍然可以有“並軌”的可能。












一項研究發現性變態(sexual perversions, 也稱paraphilia)十分常見,大約有一半人都有性變態傾向。心理學家對加拿大魁北克超過千人進行了調查,發現將近50%的參與者對戀物癖、摩擦癖、受虐傾向和窺淫癖等現象表示了興趣。並不僅是幻想的程度,而是渴求和實際行動。






儘管這項發表在性學研究期刊(The Journal of Sex Research)的研究只包含了魁北克的參與者,但Joyal教授說這個結果可以推廣到整個北美和歐洲地區。







可以幫助有非常美妙的體驗性高潮( orgasm)對很多人來說,這些異常的性行為是獲得性快感所必需的。





代稱此處翻譯的 ; (從某事物獲得性快感的)




美學: 純粹對視覺上的吸引力與滿足感。


衝動: 認為是個性大膽或衝動的符號,暗示濫交。




性心理發展: 依據佛洛依德的理論,屬於口腔期與性器期固著的後果















美國精神病協會(The American Psychiatric Association)的心理障礙診斷統計手冊(Diagnositc and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)










觀看興奮Autagonistophilia: 在舞臺上或鏡頭下引起的興奮。












戀身障興奮(Abasiophilia) ——對行動受損人群,尤其是使用矯形器械的人,如腿部矯正器,矯形器或輪椅的人的性吸引。


慕殘興奮(Acrotomophilia)指一個人迷戀殘疾人或熱衷於變為殘疾人,一般分為慕殘者(devotee),扮殘者( pretender)(Apotemnophilia)和自殘者(wannabe)。慕殘者通常在少年時便出現對殘疾人感興趣的傾向,他們常常幻想成為截肢者。有的慕殘者會與網上認識的殘疾人約會,發生性關係。



踢睾 打屁股 性角色扮演 戀醫學

物戀 動物戀 性偏好 性偏離 戀物次文化 皮革自豪之旗 國際戀物日(英語:International Fetish Day 橡膠自豪之旗(英語:Rubber pride flag


性虐快感(algolagnia):疼痛引起的覺醒,特別是涉及到一個性感的區域;不同於受虐狂,因為對感覺有不同的生物學解釋,而不是主觀解釋。任何與從經歷或造成生理或心理痛苦中獲得快感有關的 其定義是從身體疼痛中獲得性快感和刺激,特別是涉及到性區域




挨揍癖(Rhabdo phillia)從被粗暴毆打中喚起性興奮。


施虐癖(sadism) 施虐癖施虐癖指看到他人遭受鞭打、捆綁、羞辱或對別人進行虐待可以得到性興奮或樂趣的人。鞭打(Dippoldism




強姦癖(Rapto philia)由強姦引起的,自願的或非自願的。


強暴幻想控(Rape Fantasy)幻想對人實施強暴或被強暴或觀看強暴而激發性喚起。














皮垢癖 (Rameno phelia) 在自己或別人的生殖器上搓皮垢引起的覺醒。


淫語癖(Coprolalia):被褻瀆而性喚起(猥褻言語 操,賤,婊子)。


電話騷擾癖(Telephone Scatalogia)從淫穢的電話中引起的,尤指對陌生人的視頻通話獲得性滿足;也稱為電話癖。












自淫性窒息(Autoerotic asphyxia



性窒息自慰(Autoerotic Asphyxiation):由自慰性窒息引起的,通常到失去意識的程度




性窒息(Erotic Asphyxiation):因自己或他人窒息而引起的。


角色扮演癖(roleplay fetishism) 性快感來自於扮演他人。




嗜好小丑 (Coulrophilia)對小丑的性喚起。






戀孕癖 Pregnancy preference 對孕婦想像角色轉換或自己懷孕而引起性喚起


戀服(英語:Clothing fetish 戀鞋 戀靴

芭蕾靴(英語:Ballet boot 靴子崇拜(英語:Boot worship)戀襪 戀褲襪 戀褲

戀女內褲 戀內衣 戀制服 戀尿布 戀氨綸 戀皮革 戀手套(英語:Glove fetishism 戀眼鏡 戀橡膠與PVC(英語:Rubber and PVC fetishism










自體男性化興奮 (Autoandrophilia )女性將自身幻想或實踐成男性的性喚起。
















嗜性嬰兒病(Paraphilic Infantilism):對成年嬰兒/尿布愛好者的吸引力(AB/DL);類似於自身嗜性。




尿布興奮(Diaper fetishism)是戀物癖的一種,喜愛使用尿布/紙尿褲獲取心理和生理的滿足,其行為包括包裹紙尿褲憋尿、自慰以及進行性行為,也包含單純使用紙尿褲而無其他行為。










無性徵興奮Acomoclitism 無毛生殖器引起的性興奮。






戀年長女人興奮 (Anililagnia) 年輕男人對年長女人著迷。


油門上高跟鞋興奮症(Gas Pedal Honeys) 對穿高跟鞋踩車子油門,女人無助地踩著油門而沮喪和不安懇求車子的發動。幻想看到一個無助的女人然後解救她。就會激發性欲。




戀醫學癖(英語:Medical fetishism)對涉及醫療或臨床的相關物體、行為、場所或情境產生。這包括在性角色扮演中扮演與醫療相關的人士,例如各科醫師、護理人員、藥劑師和傷病患,或使用特定或一般醫療器材及藥物,例如使用醫師袍、護理人員制服、麻醉、繃帶、頭帶、電療器、尿布、栓劑等物件,進行檢查及侵入性的檢查(例如檢查直腸、尿道或陰道)、插入導管、灌腸、量體溫、注射等。對醫學的幻想是一種色情的類型,不過該幻想並不一定涉及色情。













門把癖 雙膝跪地舔門把手而引起的性喚起。


脫套癖(Degloving Fetish)迷戀指遭到碾壓後肢體皮肉分離的圖片而引起的。






雕塑興奮(Agalmatophilia)  對人體模特或雕像及延伸到所有描畫的性喚起。






墜樓梯癖 (Climacophilia)喜歡從樓梯上失足跌下去的感覺


戀煙癖(英語:Smoking fetishismCapnolagnia)是一種基於吸煙(包括香煙、雪茄、煙斗、水煙或其它類似的物質)的戀物癖,戀煙癖者在看到或想像一個人吸煙時便會因此喚醒性欲。




氣球迷戀者(balloon fetishests)對氣球,或者充氣的塑膠玩具有著性迷戀。


觸手癖 (Tentacles)對觸手有性喚起








嗜冷癖(Psychoro philia)由於接觸極冷的物體和/或看著別人凍僵而引起的覺醒。


燒灼 (Ablutophilia)——妄想症涉及洗澡或淋浴引起的性興奮


嗜熱症(Pyro philia)由火引起的或與燃燒的屍體性交引起的。


流沙癖 (Quicksand) 有人被流沙吞噬的景象而感到性奮




嗜石癖 (Lithophilia) 對石頭或是碎石就會激發性欲。


雲霧癖 (Nebulophilia)則是看到濃霧就會產生性欲。








戀蛛Archnephilia 對蜘蛛著迷。












戀皮毛(Furry Fandom)屬於transformation的子分類。主要是迷戀一些變換成人形的動物(呃,類似卡通裡面的造型),注意他們跟那種戀動物癖又有所不同,例如戀馬人是單純的喜歡馬那樣的動物,簡而言之皮毛控們喜歡一個人穿著卡通動物造型而引起的性喚起。










戀腹癖(英語:alvinolagniabelly fetish)指個人對腰部或腹部或觸摸或摩擦腹部而性喚起。


戀屁症(Flatulence Fetishism)對暗戀的女生新鮮的屁味起到性興奮  或稱(Eproctophilia


餵食癖 (Feederism)不斷餵食他人,直到對方發胖,來獲得快感


嘔吐(Emetophilia):嘔吐在別人身上、被別人嘔吐 (甚至吃下嘔吐物) 嘔吐引起的性喚起。又稱彩虹遊戲。


嗜糞癖 Coprophilia)由糞便引起的;也稱為糞便癖、糞癖或糞癖


內臟興奮(Splanchn o philia)由內臟腸子引起的。


戀肚臍(英語:Navel fetishismbelly button fetishismalvinophilia)對肚臍產生性吸引力的戀物癖類型。包括用舌頭舔肚臍或是用防曬乳、乳液等液體塗抹肚臍。舔拭或吸吮傾倒在肚臍周圍的香檳、蜂蜜、巧克力醬、鮮奶油等物品來誘發性欲。同樣地、在水底下用舌頭舔肚臍,用冰塊放置在肚臍上或用冰塊摩擦肚臍都可以產生色情感。包括對肚臍搔癢、舔拭、呼氣、或是用羽毛、花瓣挑逗、對肚臍指交、熱油或蠟油滴在肚臍上、用針刺肚臍或穿肚臍環。
















戀手 戀耳垂(英語:Earlobe fetishism 戀眼球(英語:Oculolinctus 戀豐腴(英語:Fat fetishism


嗅覺過敏(Olfacto philia)由氣味引起的興奮。




戀足癖(Podo philia)對腳的吸引力。








戀臀癖(Pygo philia)對臀部的而造成性覺醒




母乳癖 (Lactophilia) 對母乳或直接吸出乳汁或觀看會使他們感到興奮




全身包裹癖(英語:Total enclosure fetishism)全身被包裹而引起性喚起




咬人癖 Odaxelagnia):因咬或被咬而激發的性喚起。




口吃癖 (Psellismophilia) 對講話口吃覺得很性感.






=    ====================



這些性癖全都有了 胸部 陰道 陰莖 陰囊 腹肌 讓您全部同時擁有





















性別焦慮症(Gender Dysphoria),又譯性別不安或性別煩躁,舊稱性別認同障礙(Gender Identity Disorder)、性別認同困惑、易性症、易性病或易性癖(即異性癖)。這一名詞是用來界定那些由於自我認知或者表達的性別與生理性別不一致而產生的焦慮或苦惱。

























戀物症( fetishism



易裝癖 (transvestic fetishism





美國精神病協會(The American Psychiatric Association)的心理障礙診斷統計手冊(Diagnositc and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders)列出了八種異常性行為:


易性症性 易裝



1、愛麗絲夢遊仙境綜合症(Todd綜合症,Alice in Wonderland Syndrome or Todd Syndrome)






2Fregoli綜合症(Fregoli Syndrome)


Fregoli綜合症的名稱來自義大利演員Leopoldo Fregoli,此君以其在舞臺上快速改變外貌的能力而聞名。該綜合症同樣涉及身份識別錯誤,為Capgras綜合症的反向形式。




3Cotard綜合症(Cotard Delusion)


Cotard綜合症的核心症狀為虛無妄想,由法國神經科醫生Jules Cotard1880年首次描述,他將這一臨床狀況稱為“le délire de négation”,即“否定譫妄”(negation delirium)




4、二重性記憶錯誤(Reduplicative Paramnesia)






Reduplicative paramnesia”這一術語最先由神經科醫生Arnold Pick1903年提出,他在一例疑似阿爾茨海默病患者身上發現了這一現象。


5、異手綜合症(Alien hand syndromeAHS)






6Capgras綜合症(Capgras Syndrome)






7、耶路撒冷綜合症(Jerusalem Syndrome)






8、巴黎綜合症(Paris Syndrome)




該病主要表現為嚴重的文化休克(culture shock),其形式各異,既有軀體症狀,也包括焦慮、現實解體、人格解體、急性妄想狀態、被害觀念及幻覺等精神症狀。




9、分離性遺忘(Dissociative Amnesia)及分離性漫遊(Dissociative Fugue)






10、外國口音綜合症(Foreign Accent Syndrome)






11、斯德哥爾摩綜合症(Stockholm Syndrome)






斯德哥爾摩綜合症的一個著名案例為Patty Hearst,她是一位百萬富翁的女兒,1974年被綁架,隨後與綁架她的人共同組織了一起搶劫案。


12、利馬綜合症(Lima syndrome)








13、司湯達綜合症(Stendhal Syndrome)




14、第歐根尼綜合症(Diogenes Syndrome)




15、孟喬森綜合症/做作性障礙(Munchausen Syndrome/Factitious Disorder)


孟喬森綜合症的名稱來自Baron von Munchausen,此人為18世紀的德國軍官,以粉飾其生活及經歷著稱。做作性障礙指患者在沒有明顯動機的情況下偽裝軀體心理體症或症狀。







16、代理孟喬森綜合症/代理做作性障礙(MunchausenSyndrome by Proxy/Factitious Disorder by Proxy)






17、慕殘綜合症(Apotemnophilia and Acrotomophilia)






你是性變態嗎?| 50%的人都對異常性行為有興趣





As a species, our sexual tastes are as varied as our fingerprints. Below is a list of every sexual fetish we can think of. Some, like the widely parodied foot fetish, are more commonplace, while others, like vorarephilia, are less well understood. (Please keep in mind that a “paraphilia” is a condition involving an atypical sexual desire that can sometimes include activities considered dangerous or extreme.)


1. Vorarephilia

Vorarephilia is an abnormal sexual condition characterized by the tendency to become aroused by the idea of eating someone, the idea of being eaten by someone, or by witnessing a cannibalistic scene. People with this particular paraphilia are commonly referred to as vores.


2. Hybristophilia

Hybristophilia is an abnormal sexual condition in which sexual desire and climax occur in response to the knowledge that one’s partner has committed a heinous act such as infidelity, lying, or criminal acts such as rape, murder, or robbery.


3. Diaper Bondage

Diaper bondage is a specific form of submission that involves role-play in which an adult regresses to an infant-like state. Often, the adult performing this sexual fetish will wear a diaper and act like a baby, seeking nurturing from their sexual partner. This condition is also known as paraphilic infantilism,autonepiophilia, psychosexual infantilism or, more commonly, adult baby syndrome.


4. Sleeping Sex

Sexsomnia is a rare sleep disorder that prompts an individual to seek sexual activity in their sleep. Although most reported cases involve men, both males and females may initiate sleep sex.


5. Cuckolding / Cuckoldry

Cuckolding or cuckoldry is a sexual fetish in which someone experiences sexual arousal by way of observing their partner having sex with a another man or woman. Some report an associated feeling of humiliation and /or rejection as part of the allure.


6. Omorashi

Omarashi, or “omo” for short, falls within the urolagnia family of sexual fetishes, which are related to urine. Those who identify as omo become aroused when they have a full bladder and wet themselves, or observe their partner wetting themselves. Other phrases used to describe this particular fetish are “bladder desperation” and “panty wetting.” The word omarashi is Japanese for “to wet oneself.”


7. Spanking Art

Spanking art is generally enjoyed by people who identify as spanking enthusiasts in the bedroom. Spankophilia is a paraphilia characterized by arousal from spanking or being spanked. It falls within the realm of of BDSM (bondage, discipline, submission, sadomasochism) behaviors, although it’s a sexula fetish in and of itself.


8. Somnophilia

Somnophilia is erotic arousal dependent upon the act of intruding on a stranger mid-sleep, or waking someone up with erotic caresses.


9. My Little Pony Sex

The adult male fans of ‘My Little Pony’ are colloquially known as “bronies.” While not all bronies associate this cartoon program created for children with sex, there is a niche community of people who fetishize ‘My Little Pony’ and watch porn related to these series and / or roleplay scenes based on the show.


10. Teratophilia

Teratophilia is a sexual fetish that involves being attracted to people with physical deformities. There are many subsets of teratophilia specific to different types of human deformities. For instance, acrotomophilia involves sexual attraction to amputees and stigmatophilia refers to deriving sexual pleasure from people whose bodies are marked or scarred in some way.


11. Coprophilia / Scatophilia

Coprophiila / Scatophilia (otherwise known as “scat sex) is a sexual fetish rooted in a fixation with feces and defecation. People who gravitate towards poop play experience sexual pleasure through the act of crapping on another person or being crapped on, for instance.


12. Dendrophilia / Arbophilia

People with this particular paraphilia are sexually attracted to trees. The term dendrophilia literally means “love of trees.” While some are turned on by the combination of textures (the roughness of tree bark in contrast to the softness of tree leaves), others simply find trees to be phallic symbols that arouse them.


13. Breath Play

Breath play involves the restriction of oxygen to the brain to achieve a heightened orgasm. Self-induced breath play during masturbation is known as autoerotic asphyxiation. Breath play within a couple can be achieved by nose pinching, holding your breath, cover the face with a hood or plastic bag, “corseting” (pushing down on someone’s chest), choking, hanging, or “kinging” / “queening” (smothering your partner with your genitals). Any time you restrict someone’s ability to breathe, you’re engaging in a risky behavior, so breath play falls within the realm of BDSM behaviors known as “edge play,” in which your partners is very much responsible for your life.


14. Daddy Kink (Daddy Dom)

Daddy kink is a relatively simple sexual fetish that involves submission / domination play during which the submissive refers to her dominant partner as “daddy.”


15. Pee Fetish

You’ve likely heard of a “golden shower” (the act of peeing on someone for the purpose of sexual pleasure)) and the people who like giving or receiving golden showers are characterized as having a pee fetish. The clinical term for this paraphilia is “urolagnia.”


16. Cum Fetish

People who identify as having a cum fetish are aroused by the act of cumming on their partner, being cummed on, and / or images of people who have been cummon-on. Something about the sticky mess of ejaculate on someone’s face, stomach, chest, or ass is tantalizing to those with a cum fetish.


17. Mechanophilia

Mechanophilia is characterized by sexual attraction to machines, sometimes a desire to engage in sexual relations with (or in) an airplane, car, bicycle, or helicopter.


18. Macrophilia / Giantess Sex

Macrophilia or giantess sex is an abnormal sexual condition that involves being attracted to and aroused by someone who is much larger than you are physically. In short, it’s a phenomenon in which people are turned on by giants and fantasies involving giants.


19. Pedal Pumping / Revving

Pedal pumping or “revving” is a subset of foot fetishism that involves watching someone, often a woman wearing high heels, push a gas pedal with masturbatory rhythm.


20. Balloon Fetish / Looners

People with a balloon fetish (aka “looners”) find balloons sexually attractive and incorporate them into their sex lives. While some find creative ways to have sex with balloons, others simply enjoy the sight of their partner sitting on a balloon and popping it.


21. Quorofilia / Hand Fetish

Some people who experience a hand fetish or quorofilia are attracted to a specific part of the hand, such as the fingers (which might appear phallic), the nails, or the palm. Others are aroused by actions performed with the hand, whether overtly sexual (e.g. masturbation) or traditionally asexual (e.g. handwashing or rinsing dishes).


22. Sensation Play

While many forms of erotic play are fundamentally cerebral and centered on power exchanges (think domination / submission), sensation play is eroticism that is physical first. In sensation play, the physical stimuli (e.g. silk scarves, ice, candle wax, massage oils, feathers) are applied in a controlled manner with the purpose of eliciting the release of pleasure triggering endorphins. While their may be pain involved, the effect is similar to that of a “runner’s high.”


23. Extreme Feeding / Feederism

Feeders or “encouragers” take pleasure in funneling excessive quantities of food into the mouths of “gainers.” Some extreme feeders enjoy the sensation of inserting their penis between a gainer’s fat folds.


Sexual Fetishes


These sexual fetishes are yet more specific (think attraction to people with neck braces or arousal from vomit) and more obscure. But they are also very real. What can we say? The world is a fascinating place, especially when it comes to human sexual behavior.


Pygophilia — Attraction to the human butt.

Hematolagnia — Also known as “vampire syndrome,” hematolagnia is sexual interest in blood or the desire to drink blood sensually.

Salirophilia — The love of getting dirty (or getting your partner dirty), literally, prior to or during sexual intercourse.

Katoptronophilia — Intense sexual satisfaction derived from mirrors, often satisfied by having sex, stripping, or masturbating in front mirrors.

Food Fetish — While some foods are actually aphrodisiacs because they have properties that induce sexual desire, sexual food play can involve any food that a person finds sexually stimulating. Food play is a form of sitophilia, which refers to arousal by erotic scenes centering food.

Teleiophilia — Sexual attraction to adults.

Microphilia — Sexual attraction to small people or tiny things.

Claustrophilia — People who are turned on by and / or prefer to have sex in tiny spaces.

Agalmatophilia — A love of mannequins and/or statues.

Hotdogging — Rubbing your penis between another person’s butt cheeks. (This is not about anal penetration, though it can lead there.)

Tricophilia — Arousal from hair.

Retifism — Arousal from shoes.

Abasiophilia — Attraction to people with leg braces.

Spectrophilia — Attraction to ghosts.

Trichophilia — Arousal from hair.

Abasiophilia — Love of people with neck braces.

Phalloorchoalgolagnia — Arousal from pain to male genitalia.

Plushophilia — Attraction to stuffed animals or people in animal costume.

Aquaphilia — Arousal from water.

Necrozoophilia — Attraction to dead animals.

Apotemnophilia — Arousal from amputation.

Emetophilia — Attraction to vomit.

Frotteurism — Arousal from rubbing against non-consenting people.

Eproctophilia — Attraction to farts.

Maisesiophilia — Attraction to pregnant women.

Homeovestism — Attraction to the clothing of one’s own gender.

Dacryphilia – Attraction to making someone cry.

Nasophilia —Attraction to noses.

Arachnophilia —Attraction to spiders, spider-lover.

32 People On Reddit Reveal Their Weirdest Sexual Fetishes

We all have our turn-ons and turn-offs. But these people have some very specific sexual fetishes that fall outside the realm of what you might consider “normal.” Read these accounts of what it’s like to experience sexual arousal from something like a silky soft sweater or human piss.

1. Soft sweaters — duh.

Weird sexual fetishes, eh?


Well, if by “weird” you mean “rare,” I bet nobody here shares this one: I love women who wear soft sweaters (angora, mohair, etc.). I don’t know what it is, but if a sexy woman is wearing a soft sweater, I’m immediately and irretrievably infatuated.”


2. Thank you, Nickelodeon!

Can’t believe I’m going to post this, but it’s no weirder than most in this thread.

I’m bisexual and into BDSM, but the thing I consider weirdest is that I’m a wet and messy fetishist.


I like to see girls slimed, covered in mud, pied in the face, or just generally messy. Growing up with Nickelodeon was a strange and interesting experience…”


3. He takes Sleeping Beauty to a whole new level.

I’ve got a thing for sleeping girls. Yes, it’s weird, but I never acted on it until my current girlfriend.


She’s into it, though, and sometimes as a special treat, she’ll get super wasted and pass out, or take heavy duty sleeping pills and tell me to fuck her while she’s out cold.”


4. Well this is definitely a first.

I like to watch videos where doctors and paramedics try to resuscitate fat men who are having heart attacks.”


5. …And another first.

Australian redheads.”


6. A certain ilk of public nudity.

Not so weird, but I am absolutely enthralled with public nudity, whether it is in a crowded public area or secluded mountain trail, and whether it is nonsexual or public humiliation/bondage. On that note, girls that flash poorly (pull shirt down, turn around for the camera, then pull shirt back up) or completely spreading themselves is an instant turn off.”


7. This guy is straight, but he fantasizes about being a woman.

Am I the only throwaway account on here that likes the idea of transforming into a woman (I’m a man) and having wild sex? It started out as a fetish for purely lesbian sex, evolved into a fetish involving myself taking part in lesbian sex (obviously as a woman), and these days it can involve myself as a woman having sex with guys and even pregnancy as well (one of my more normal fetishes is pregnant women and insemination in general, so of course it factors in here).


Strange thing is that I’m not gay, or even feminine. The idea of having sex with a man as a man is completely unappealing to me and so is getting a sex change — there’s nothing appealing to me about artificial women (often too ugly, don’t actually function sexually as women etc). It’s all about being a fully functional woman, or more recently a ‘female’ hermaphrodite.


I believe the term for my fetish is autogynephilia. It’s really my only active fetish these days, the rest are offshoots.


Also, I should note another strange thing: I have a perfectly healthy sex life with my fiancée. I rarely fantasize about being a woman unless I’m masturbating alone.”


8. A stand-up guy.

I get turned on by women with MBAs.”


9. I’d venture to say this isn’t a fetish.

I like my women built, son. It’s so frustrating when my friends and I are scoping out a chick and no one else notices the ass. But not just the ass– the angle it makes with the small of the back. And the rate at which the small of the back arcs into the back.


Also, if you bang on her ass like a bongo, there needs to be a decent sound. That’s how you know it’s ripe, like a watermelon. Her hip bones should make a good woodblock, and her thighs should just have just the right amount of tension to get that kwwww sound.”


10. Using a strap-on.

Pegging. Not femdom though, that doesn’t do anything for me. Occasionally I get that itch and would like to have it scratched by my girlfriend.


It’s tiring always having to be the top.”


11. Riiiiiiight.

Well defined collar bone and tendon on inner thigh = heaven.”


12. Basically, this guy is probably into the “Twilight” series.

Expansion fetish here: basically it means I like girls who are going through some kind of transformation process. Originally started out with girls turning into animals and anthro animals, got sick of the animal part, and now I’m more into chicks whose boobs are growing or if their bodies are changing or growing in general… Never told a partner this, seems too hard to work into a sex conversation.”


13. You can have a lifetime of bad hair days with this guy.

Bald women…I adore them. Luckily I have developed enough game over the years that every woman I have dated longer than a few weeks has shaved her head. Honestly most women seem to think about it at some point and I think when they find out they have steady sex until they can grow it back out they go for it. It can go badly though so be warned.”


14. Weight fetish.

Weight gain. Yeah, I know — this one is really weird. The most common time this comes up is if someone grumbles that they gained some weight, or they’re stuffed, or their pants don’t fit.


Sometimes I watch shows like The Biggest Loser and get really aroused looking at the before and after (imagining them reversed, of course), or thinking about the people who were kicked off the show and will gain it all back. The most unrealistic fantasy is my s/o somehow getting fatter and fatter as I have sex with them.


Phew. Nice to get that off my chest.”


15. So he’s a self-hating Jew…

As a Jew, one of my biggest fantasies has always been to sleep with a German girl. And I want her to yell at me in German the whole time, like only an angry kraut could. And I want to give her the hate-fucking of a lifetime, something that would make Golda Meir proud.”


16. Cuckolding fantasy.

I want to watch my girlfriend fucked by another man. Just thinking about it turns me on. It would make me view her in a 100% sex-object-like way, like watching a pornstar get fucked.


It would also make me jealous, but not in a bad way. More like a “Oh yeah? Now let me show you how its really done” kind of way.


I thought I could never tell her this, but we recently had a big night out a club and wound up taking some E’s. In a fit of ecstasy-fueled honesty, I admitted my fantasy to her and she got super excited by the idea. She even wants to do the reverse and watch me fuck another woman.


I know all this probably sounds really messed up. Obviously this is a throwaway account.”


17. True…

I’m male and enjoy fully dressing up as a female rubber doll with big torpedo tits, latex mask and ballet boots.”


18. Leap years really GET HIM GOING.

I can only have sex on a leap year. It’s not my decision.”


19. Tickle-me-Elmo.

Tickling. Either doing the tickling or watching it.”


20. I think the real question is: Who WOULDN’T like this?

I like men to give me a pedicure while I whip them. It’s a hard life.


21. Finally, a man who appreciates hair!

I’m way more into a girl’s hair than I can explain. Length, color, style…girls who change it up frequently, or do something a little unusual, will always get 10x the attention from me.”


22. Urine!

I have a bizarre fascination with piss. Sometimes I feel great about embracing it and sometimes it’s the most embarrassing thing ever.”


23. Armpits!

I don’t really obsess over them or have some collection of armpit porn or anything but they turn me on.


I love my girlfriends armpits, the way they smell, they way they look, shaved, unshaved, stubbly, whatever. I’ve came on her armpits before and fucked them with lube.”


24. Yeah, again, does not sound like a fetish to me.

Satin. I can’t even walk past a satin garment without being compelled to touch it.”


25. An uninterested partner.

Fucking from behind, but she’s completely disinterested. Like she’s doing paperwork or something.”


26. A nice, sexy, old pair of sneaks.

Sneakers. I’m really not a fan of shoes that are traditionally considered “sexy.” I don’t like heels, or really anything open-toed. I like some boots, but again, not a fan of heels. I really love a girl in a pair of sneakers. Less jewelry (if any), less makeup (though most people subscribe to the “less is more” school of thought in terms of makeup), no nail polish, less “sexy” clothes, and sneakers. That is what I love a girl to look like.”


27. This sounds kind of nice, actually.

I’m an adult baby. I’m into being diapered, dominated, and babied by someone. I’ve got tons of paraphernalia including bottles, an adult sized pacifier, tons of diapering supplies and diapers, stuffed animals, and onesies and other baby clothes. My boyfriend even has an adult sized nursery at his house for me. So I think I win this thread.”


28. A TAD unsettling…

Cold limbs. That’s really the only one. I’m happy to stall the actual sex for a long, long time if I can just caress her freezing cold arms and legs and run my lips over them.”


29. Something about this feels wrong.

I have posted about this before, but guys with Asperger’s syndrome turn me on incredibly. There is something so sweetly gentle and innocent about them that just makes me want to… DEFILE them.”


30. You have to at least give him credit for being so in touch with his fantasies.

Hoo boy. I am one screwed up individual :P


I’m into furry stuff. I’m bisexual when it comes to furry porn, but not with actual people (totally straight in real life).


I’m also a voraphile: this means I enjoy fantasizing about people (and animals, furries, etc.) swallowing me, and me swallowing them (occasionally). It’s mostly the “being in the throat” that turns me on. Also, large bellies (mostly from someone being in the stomach); this is probably an extension of the vore fetish and is sort of a pseudo-pregnancy-fetish.


I did an AMA about this a while back. Maybe I should do another one since this one was so long ago.


Oh, and I’m a zoophile too. Never actually done that, though, and probably will keep it confined to my fantasies.”


31. He’s a feeder!

Feeder fetish. Not to the extent of the movie feed or anything like that, I just really like fat girls and I like to watch girls indulge in food. I always encourage girls, even those that I have no interest in, to eat. If I’m at a restaurant or cafeteria with a girl and they are trying to decide between two things I’ll suggest both. Or if they’re contemplating dessert I’ll tell them to go for it.”


32. At least he can admit it.

I was going to post under a different account but what the hell. I love girls with big eyes. I like to take my dick and poke them in the eyes, although I do it gently. I know it might be frowned upon but I can’t help it.”


40 People On Reddit Describe Sexual Fetishes That Disgust Them (NSFW)

While some people harbor secret sexual desires, others secretly detest certain erotic behaviors. Read these honest accounts of people who just can’t stand certain sex stuff.


1. Anything anal.

Anal sex.


I don’t really understand the appeal of that hole. Poop comes from there, poop likely may still be there. I don’t want poop on my dick.


Plus, there’s a perfectly good hole right next to it that’s literally made for me to have sex in. Maybe someone can explain to me why I want this?”


2. Bug-chasing

Nothing compares.”


3. Feet

Feet. 100000% times over, feet. I don’t get why people would want to lick and suck on something that sometimes can smell so bad?! I am guessing it tastes JUST as bad sometimes too. They have fungus on them if people don’t wash them properly and gah!”


4. Vomit

Vomit. Just…no thank you.”


5. Pain (because it hurts)

Pain—I don’t like it because it fucking hurts.”


6. Furries

Furries. I don’t want to fuck anybody through two layers of carpet.”


7. Ball-stomping



8. Puppy-stomping

Fapping to prepubescent Asian girls who are stomping little puppies until their internal organs come out of their mouths, and assorted other delightful things involving animal and child cruelty.”


9. Urethral insertion

Shoving stuff up your dick, like toothpicks, and rope just to get off… I mean… wtf”


10. Genital mutilation

Genital mutilation. Like seriously you need those parts to have fun with, why would you angrily attack them?”


11. Cuckolding

Cuckolding, and that whole wife-sharing business.”


12. Fake boobs

Fake breasts. I can’t even watch a porn if the chicken has a pair of bolt-ons.”


13. Very, very specific fetishes involving young women with Jeeps stuck in mud during the rain

I know someone that has a thing for young (like 20s) women driving older (pre-2000) Jeeps that are stuck in the mud, while they’re wearing red stiletto heels and a tight dress. When it’s raining.


It’s very, very specific…”


14. Feeders

Feeders. I don’t understand how being a feeder or feedee (not sure how to spell it) could possibly sexually excite you. I’ll also never understand why someone would purposely try to gain weight (of course unless they need to for medical reasons). I am fat, and it’s not fun. Nice clothing’s harder to find, it’s more expensive, and it’s not healthy! It’s also very hard to lose the weight again. I honestly will never understand it and actually find it disgusting.”


15. Genital pumping

Genital pumping. Like when guys put their dicks in tubes and pump it up or some shit to make it grow super huge. Saw a thing where some dude put his dong in some sort of mini pressure chamber and it grew to the size of his forearm. Doesn’t it hurt?”


16. Crushing

Crushing and crush fetishes. Specifically the act of crushing small animals like kittens and rodents, and insects. It’s repulsive and everything I hate about the world all summed up into someone’s gross pleasure. I’ve seen softer versions of it like smashing up fruit or things like grapes but what the fuck is that? How can you get off to something like an innocent creature getting smashed away? And no you don’t need to explain, you’re gross.”


17. Scat

I’m very open sexually and am willing to try anything, my only hold up is scat play, it’s shit, it completely filthy. I can’t understand why someone squatting over you and letting out a steaming pile on your chest is sexy.”


18. Sex with trees

Dendrophilia! Having sex with trees… wat??? O___o


And I remember an article about a

man getting arrested for having sex with his bicycle.”


19. Vore

Vorarephilia, aka Vore.


The fetish of being eaten and digested. Some people dig cannibalism, but I first learned about it in the context of people being turned on by the idea of being eaten by a large predatory animal.


Being eaten by an anaconda, or a crocodile, a pack of zombies. Right now, as you read this, someone, somewhere, is getting off to this stuff.”


20. The old Roman centurion cracking eggs on his helmet trick

I heard about some chap that could only get it up for his wife if he hired a bloke to dress as a Roman centurion, stand in a corner of the room, and repeatedly crack eggs on his helmet during the romance session.”


21. Chicken-choking

I don’t know what it’s called, but some men insert their dick into a chicken and break its neck to induce a seizure and get off to that.


I’ll never understand.”


22. Pregnant women

A fetish for pregnant women, I mean I get that there are extra curves there, but a baby is in there, you can’t just ignore that.”


23. Pluckin’ pubes

Plucking pubic hairs.


I just don’t understand.”


24. Rimming

Rim jobs. Nope, no way am I partaking in that.”





26. Nullos

Nullos. It’s fucking disturbing.”


28. Coprophagia or urophagia

Coprophagia or urophagia. I just don’t understand how things like that can be consumed and people can manage to stay aroused and not get violently ill.”


29. Anal insufflation of illicit substances

A friend of mine is snorting cocaine out of his GF’s butt. Yap.”


30. Small dick humiliation

Small dick humiliation.”


31. That mom-and-son thing

That mom-and-son thing. It’s just so wrong.”


32. Childbirth

Childbirth. Sure, it’s nice in a natural way, New life and all that.


But what the Fuck is wrong with people who have this fetish? It’s gross as Fuck most of the time.”


33. Eyeball-licking



34. The sound of car antennas

The Danish Fetish Society’s spokesman was asked about the weirdest fetish he knew.


Told about a guy who got off the sound of old car antennas being retracted. The guy had a whole room filled with nothing but antennas and would walk around the parking lot to find certain brands that he loved the most.”


35. Shooting up urine

Injecting piss with syringes.”


36. Swollen pussies and anal prolapses

Swollen pussy/anal prolapse. Ew, that’s just disgusting.”


37. Ass-eating

The eating of buttholes.”


38. Traps

Traps, I don’t understand the want for a woman with a large dick.”


39. Pegging



There’s some kind of link missing where I don’t understand how someone can go “Oh I let my wife fuck me in the ass with a dildo.” And then not consider themselves at least a little homosexual, or in some cases be very homophobic.”


40. Everything

Pretty much everything in this thread.”


27 People On Reddit Share Their Partner’s Kinkiest Fetish And Whether They Were Down With It Or Not

Even if you’re vanilla AF when it comes to sex, your significant other’s tastes might be a bit more adventurous. Do you meet their every carnal need, or would doing so weird you out? Read these accounts from people whose partners expressed a very specific kinky fetish.


1. Hostile make out

I had a SO who liked to heavily (heavily) make out during foreplay. It was aggressive and kind of strange. Kind of turned into wtf when she licked the roof of my mouth.


That is a sensation I’ll never forget.”


2. I’m ignoring you, but actually getting v. horny

My wife has a fetish (I think) for some on initiating sex with her while she’s trying to ignore them.


It’s kinda weird, she’s reading a book, but you take her pants off and she’s ready to go, but she’ll just sit there and keep on reading for as long as she can before finally giving in.


She told me once post-coitus that she was to distracted and ended up reading the same sentence 7 times before giving up.


It’s had a bit of a weird effect, in that whenever i’m horny, i’ll just go start messing with her and see if she’s into, it. Sex when you want, but initiating like that still feels a bit awkward.”


3. Touching is overrated, smell is where it’s at!

She was turned on by my smell. When I picked her up at the train station she would always bearhug me and inhale my scent while her eyes rolled back from pleasure.


She also had a piece of cloth under her pillow that she regularly sniffed, that cloth was dirty as fuck and wasn’t washed in about 20 years. It was originally white but it was now a very dirty gray. Never touched that cloth, so gross.”


4. Fetishes mailed via UPS

I had a long distance relationship with my ex, which was understandably difficult at times.


For my birthday, he sent me a card and told me “not to open it around other people.” I thought, how adorable, he’s shy about what he wrote in it!


Nope. That fucker put his toenail clippings and pubes in it. Then went and told me it would be “hot” if I were to put them inside of me. I laughed and said there was no way I was going to eat them.


It was a more innocent time for me.”


5. Vampire sex

She liked it pretty rough and she liked to be bitten. I tried and I learned that I like rough sex too as well as biting”


6. Can we get ice with that?

Once banged a Hawaiian chick who liked me to put ice cubes in her pussy while I ate her out.”


7. Chest friction = huge orgasm?

This is strange just because it was different. I think it’s kind of cute in a way.


She just always wanted our chests touching in bed, always wanted her hand up my shirt rubbing my chest hair. She’d start masturbating while doing it.


I could go down on her, wear a vibrating cock ring, fuck her hard, and do a million fantasies but she always came the hardest when my chest was pressed against hers.”


8. Let it rain cum!

My ex loved cum. Swallowing it, facials, Cumming inside her, on her stomach, everything. Worked out amazingly as its been my fetish for years.


The rest of the time when we weren’t having amazing sex, we were growing apart until the inevitable conclusion.”


9. Tossed salad on the side

My girlfriend in university wanted to lick my asshole to see if she might be a lesbian. Call it being shy-bi-curious, I guess.


I can’t say I hated the experience. But, the whole time I’m just thinking she’s imagining I’m a woman and how this probably isn’t the best or even a reasonable facsimilie. I could have at least shaved and taken a shower. But we were in the heat of the moment.”


10. Feet fetish indoctrination

A foot fetish. I hated my feet and hated them being touched, so much so I even wore socks to bed at all times. He would ask to massage them or try to touch them and I hated it. I never got that he had a foot fetish though.


Anyway I eventually let him massage them and loved it. I loved having them touched and kissed after that. Even bitten or licked, toe sucking the works. I used them for foreplay and during sex. I love my feet now and I don’t know if I could date someone who doesn’t like feet cos it’s a massive turn on for me now.”


11. Taking anal play up to the next level

My girlfriend is really into anal, but here’s the catch: she makes me pull out, and then she sucks my dick clean every 5 minutes. Also when partaking in anal sex she makes me finger her and then put my fingers in her mouth.


As for how it affects me, well I find it incredibly awkward to go to her parents house knowing that I completely violated their daughter in ways I didn’t even know were possible. But it’s alright, I’m kinda into the sex now, I was hesitant at first.”


12. But, is anything as good as naval play??

I once dated a guy who had this weird fascination with my belly button. He would always be sticking his finger or his tongue in it, and once or twice kind of tried to jam his dick in it. It was kind of off-putting, but mainly just really funny.”


13. Role reversal

A long term FWB wanted me to fuck him in the ass. I’m a female.


I was totally uninterested. And even a little afraid of the whole idea even though we already had some elements of BDSM in our relationship (me sort of dom, he a terrible sub). I didn’t shut him down, but told him I’d think about it. He took my non-rejection as consent and bought me a strap-on. I was still not into the idea at all when the thing was delivered to my house, but my roommate gave me some pretty great advice. She told me to do it despite my reluctance. I’d either hate it, and have given what he wanted a fair effort before shutting it down. Or I’d love it and discover something new and amazing. Regardless, at the end at least I would have a story to remember. I couldn’t argue that logic and we did it finally one night.


Holy. Fucking. Shit. That was one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. I got off on it, he got off on it, and my brain exploded. Honestly, I got a little into it before we began just seeing his reaction to seeing me in the strap-on. How could I not get turned on seeing someone want me that much. But fucking him? Was god damn magical.


I don’t need or expect it from anyone, but I would not mind being able to play like that with someone else in the future.


Tl;dr: 10/10 would peg again.”


14. Cum gogurt

My first girlfriend in high school made me wear condoms when she gave me blow jobs. Not because she didn’t want cum in her mouth, but so when I did cum she could drink it like a gogurt. The worst part was that this girl was also Mormon, so when her parents found out we all had to have a “discussion” in their living room with my mom and dad. I was 15 at the time and the only lasting damage was the way I approached the parents of women I dated. If they even had an aura of sketchy, I bail.


Tl;dr — first girlfriend loved cum gogurts and afterward her Mormon mom tried to save my soul.”


15. Roleplay extraordinaire

Ex was into role-playing. Like “Cop arrests hooker” and I’d have to interrogate her, handcuff her, search her, like I was looking for guns. “Doctor and patient” complete with white lab coat and stethoscope. We only did it two or three times in the six months we were together, and I couldn’t help but giggle the entire time.”


16. Golden showers got a little too golden

Golden showers. I was not that down for him peeing on me but thankfully he was much more into being dominated and me peeing on him. We did that a few times before he asked me to pee in his mouth while he drank it. That was fine and we did that a few more times – I was ambivalent but he loved it.


We stopped doing it after he pushed me to do it on a day I wasn’t ready and was dehydrated. He said he didn’t care but once we did it he couldn’t deal with the concentrated taste and that ended his interest in that permanently. We moved on to other stuff but that was probably the only fetish we tried that I wasn’t sexually into at all personally.”


17. Does an ‘oink’ turn you on?

Well, he wasn’t a bf, but close enough. He’d seen some French movie in which the kinky main characters dressed up as pigs (apparently not a porno??) and wanted to try that, except that only he would dress up. I went along with it (in those days I would have done anything just to dom a guy) and waited in the bedroom while he “got in character”, and then he came in on all fours in a pink spandex suit (like ballerinas wear in training) and a plastic pig’s nose on his face. Not even remotely sexy, but whatever, I could deal.


But then he started making noises…. At the first grunt/squeal a smile spread on my face but I managed to cover up my amusement at first. But he kept making those fucking hilarious noises and I just lost it. I started laughing and laughed and laughed and laughed until I was on the floor and thought I was going to suffocate.


When I finally got my wits back I realised he’d left at some point, understandably enough, and he never responded to my texts anymore. Oh well. The memory of it still makes me giggle.”


18. Public vibrations

A friend of mine went out with a girl who had this really weird fetish where she’d shove a wireless bullet vibrator up her hooha and give her boyfriend the remote, then they’d go shopping and he’d try to make her lose it when she was talking to a salesman/clerk.”


19. Another biting story

She actually used to nibble on my hand when we went somewhere and were holding hands. Super fucking weird, but when we broke up it was one of the things I missed the most. So I guess she turned me on to biting? O.o”


20. Spit at me.

My last girlfriend and I were into almost identical things in the bedroom, the only thing she liked that i’d never considered before was that she liked it when people spat in her mouth. I did it a couple times and loved it. God I miss her.”


21. Sneeze on me!

My ex-GF had a fetish for sneezes. Apparently sneezing was just one minor step from orgasm. The thing is that when she tried to make herself sneeze during sexytimes she looked like the poster-child for the word “Derp”. It ended quite quickly after my first hysterical laughter.”


22. When fucking isn’t enough…

Smoking while fucking. Had to be a cigarette. Smoking a bowl didn’t do anything for her but if I was smoking a CIG while railing her she was all down for it. That and fucking in public.


Long story short I picked up smoking and I wasted a lot of gas driving around finding new places to fuck.”


23. Sex with extra calcium

My ex was into lactation and nursing. Had me take pills to make my milk come in and even gave me a breast pump to encourage the flow. He’d nurse from me in the morning and in the evening. Was super weird at first but then I actually grew to enjoy it.”


24. Kit-Kats in the ass

My girlfriend (I’m also a girl) is into eating chocolate out of my ass…yep, nothing shit related I always have an enema and clean my ass thoroughly before. I’m quite open to sexual experimentation but this threw me off a little at first since it was so… different I guess? I did end up doing it and we both loved it so we continued. We usually used Kit Kat or Aero since those were her favourite bars but decided to buy Oh Henrys this time and… uh… don’t.


We did the usual, she played with my ass a little bit then slid the bars one by one into me, I think we had four full size bars and eight fun size when she decided to start.


So I began to push but nothing came out… then I started bleeding, which happens sometimes but usually not in this quantity it then started to hurt, usually the bars slide out as easy as just taking a shit but this time NOTHING was coming out except for a trickle of chocolate and a lot more blood then there should be.


We both started panicking thinking what the fuck is going on! After ten minutes of hard core pushing and pain she could finally see it… a giant fucking ball of caramel and pointy peanuts. When I say giant I mean fucking huge it was the size of a fucking pineapple. It turns out all the caramel and peanuts in the bars formed this monstrosity from being shoved up and squished, I couldn’t even get it out, it was stuck.


My girlfriend had to shove her fingers into my ass and stretch it open to its limits to make this thing even move and by this point my ass was profusely bleeding because of the pointy peanuts sticking out of the ball cutting up my insides.


After half an hour we finally got it out. It was red with blood and I couldn’t even fit both hands around it. I had to sit on the toilet for a while afterward because my anus was still leaking blood everywhere. My ass hurt for days after.


tl;dr – Don’t shove caramel and peanut bars up your ass, you’ll cry.”


25. Someone likes it really hard.

She likes it when I punch her, mainly in the ass area.”


26. Armpit fetish

Not a girlfriend, but a girl I’ve been dating. She likes to stick her nose way up into my armpit and take big ol’ whiffs. It freaks me out a little bit and she tells me to shower, but not wash my pits… Kinda nice to think my stink doesn’t make her shrink.


27. Extreme make out sessions

Girl I was dating liked to make out with a razor blade in her mouth. Noped out.” TC mark





7 Strangest Sex Fetishes: Do You Have One?


September 29, 2014

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What causes fetishes? There's no clear answer. "Why would a man develop a mask fetish?" asks Dr. Barry McCarthy, a therapist in Washington, D.C. "Could be something he read as a kid that's tied to 16th century Spain, who knows."

What causes fetishes? There’s no clear answer. “Why would a man develop a mask fetish?” asks Dr. Barry McCarthy, a therapist in Washington, D.C. “Could be something he read as a kid that’s tied to 16th century Spain, who knows.”


Whatever is causing the fetish, he says, it takes control of the individual’s sexuality.


We have listed for you the strangest 6 fetishes. Take your pick!


1. Agalmatophilia: Mannequin Love


Ever hear about motorists who stick a mannequin in the front seat just so they can sneak their way into the carpool lane? Well, some people use mannequins not in the car but in the bedroom. People with mannequin love, or agalmatophilia, may also be attracted to a doll or statue.


2. Partialism/Gas Pedal Honeys


Some people are turned on sexually by a specific body part – for example, a woman’s high-heeled foot. There are many websites devoted to so-called partialism, including those who love “gas pedal honeys,” images of stilettos on a gas pedal.


3. Salirophilia: I Like It Dirty


Showering before sex maybe the routine for some people. Others like the idea of getting dirty during sex – literally – or making their partner dirty,. This fetish is called salirophilia.


Some salirophiliacs like to smear the makeup, mess up the hair, or rip the clothing of their partner.


4. Paraphilic Infantilism: Diaper Me


Diapers aren’t for babies only. Just ask guys (and it’s mostly guys) with a fetish known as paraphilic infantilism, which involves wearing diapers and pretending to be an infant.


5. Odaxelagnia: Bite Me


Do you like to bite your partner? Or maybe you find being bitten a turn-on? You don’t have to have a vampire fetish to have what’s called odaxelagnia.


6. Dacryphilia: Are Those Tears?


Do you enjoy making people cry? No, not at the office, silly, in the bedroom. A person who gets turned on by tears – and maybe the emotional intensity that comes after making nice with his/her “victim” – is called a dacryphiliac.


7. Autoandrophilia: Just Pretend I’m a Boy


Women who are turned on by dressing up as and/or imagining themselves as men have a fetish known as autoandrophilia. Both heterosexual and homosexual women can apply.


Also Read: 8 Ways to Boost Your Libido






Joyal, C. C., & Carpentier, J. (2016). The prevalence of paraphilic interests and behaviors in the general population: a provincial survey.Journal of Sex Research.


原文:Are YOU a pervert? Study suggests half of us have an interest in deviant sexual acts


RICHARD GRAY9 March 2016







002【性多元 sexual plurality】
003【性解放emancipation of sexuality】
004【一杯水主義 glass of water theory】
005【性騷擾sexual harassment】

006【性傾向sexual orientation】
018【出櫃come out】

020【性伴侶sex mate】
021【一夜情one-night stand】
022【炮友fuck buddy】

029【性行為sexual intercourse】
035【愛撫 love touch】
037【愛咬∕種草莓 love bite】
038【性交sexual intercourse】
039【做愛make love】
042【股間交interfemoral intercourse】
043【口交oral sex】
046【深喉嚨deep throat】
048【舔肛rimming、rim job】
049【冰火五重天snow fire blow】
050【舔陰cunnilingus、cunt licking】
051【紅翅膀red wings】052【震盪hum job】
053【69 sixty-nine position】
059【肛交anal sex】
062【獸交animal sex】
064【叫床sex talk、moaning with pleasure】
069【女性射精female ejaculation】

071【性快感sexual pleasure】
072【前列腺快感prostate pleasure】
074【無射精高潮dry orgasm】
075【多重高潮multiple orgasms】
076【假高潮fake orgasm】
079【爽死little death】

080【性生活sex life】
081【春夢erotic dreams】
082【夢遺wet dream】
083【性幻想sexual fantasy】
084【性角色扮演sexual role-playing】
085【癡漢∕痴漢 frotteurist】
087【動物扮演animal play】
089【強姦幻想rape fantasy】
090【性年齡扮演sexual ageplay】
091【兒童色情child pornography】

095【香草性愛vanilla sex】
096【群交group sex】
098【插兩根double penetration】
099【密封包airtight seal】
100【巧克力列車 chocolate train】
101【手槍圈 circle jerk】
102【雛菊鏈 daisy chain】
103【雙拼口味both flavours】
104【拿破崙帽 Napoleon’s hat】
105【幸運皮耶Lucky Pierre】
106【一男兩女或一女兩男MFF 或 MFM】
109【開放婚姻open marriage】
111【交換伴侶closed group marriage】
112【交換補給線line marriage】
113【隨性做casual sex】
115【打野炮public sex】
123【支配與臣服dominance & submission,即D/S】
125【性奴拍賣auctioned off】
128【施虐與受虐sadism & masochism,即S/M】
130【玩感覺sensation play】
131【打屁股erotic spanking】
133【滴蠟wax play】
136【窒息性性愛erotic asphyxiation】
137【痛得好good pain】
139【戀足癖foot fetishism】
140【戀乳癖breast fetishism】
141【黃金雨golden showers】
142【皮革癖 leather fetishism】
143【制服癖uniform fetish】
144【脫衣舞癖stripping fetishism】

148【性玩具sex toy】
151【G點性玩具G Spot sex toy】
153【皮帶假陽具strapon-on dildo 】
154【雙頭龍double-ended dildo】
156【性機器sex machine】
157【性娃娃 sex doll】
160【逼真倒模套realistic vagina and anus】
161【陰莖環cock ring】
162【陰莖增長套penis extension】
163【肛門插butt plug】
164【肛門拉珠anal beads】
165【拉鍊 zipper】
166【乳頭夾nipple clamps】
167【堵嘴球ball gag】
168【綁縛銬bondage cuff】
169【綁縛面罩bondage mask】
170【貞操帶chastity belt】
171【性家具erotic furniture】
172【情趣椅love chair】
173【太空鞦韆love swing】
174【性吊索fisting sling】
175【情趣服飾erotic clothing 】

176【吊帶襪 garter belt】
183【情趣商店 sex shop】

184【性產業sex industry】
185【脫衣舞 striptease】
186【活春宮live sex show】
187【窺視秀 peep show】
188【色情按摩 erotic massage】
190【性工作者 sex workers 】
191【伴遊∕三陪 escort】
192【一樓一鳳a prostitute in an apartment】
193【專業支配professional dominatrix】
194【專業臣服professional submissive】
195【性愛電話工作者 phone sex worker】
196【A片 adult video】
197【A片明星porn star】
200【性教育sex education】



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