

2022/3月份 不專業評估筆記
取用2020/11月份至2021/11 採取mtf 、mtx樣本








樣本大多介於18-22、23-27 兩區間



體能健康1 有效/沒效(+ / -)
緩解焦慮2 有效/沒效(+ / -)
自我認同3 有效/沒效(+ / -)
連結人群4 有效/沒效(+ / -)


⚫理想化的自我重視度% <跨性動機或目的>
★清除陰影面對焦慮 40%
和前女友做回朋友或閨蜜 2+/4+
讓前女友尷尬或是難堪 2+
擺脫父權常規的框架與威迫 2+
自我公開展示後被人恥笑獲得解脫 2+/4-
要遠離男生,緩解厭男情緒 2+
遠離愛情,減少煩惱,不怕做自己 2+
不相信愛情,自己跟自己約會 2+
自慰的時候比較有帶入感 2+
家人對自己的要求不要那麼苛刻 2+
伴侶對自己的要求不要那麼苛刻 2+
減少遇到公主病或成為工具人 2+
要避免為了幾秒的射精反噬的整日疲憊 1+
工作時上司態度在耐心對待的方面 2+
被溫柔對待,較不會使喚做苦力   2+
要逃離世俗無理責任承擔,不想勇敢  2+


★社會與自我認知肯定 35%
體會社會看待女人的價值  3+/4+
體會到女人生活的不便  3+
控制飲食被規範,容貌體態被約束 1+/2-
多喝水注意生理作息,多睡美容覺 1+/2+
化妝 打扮 儀態身段適應 2-/3+
添購內衣.高跟鞋.短裙.首飾.化妝品 2-/3+
隱藏跨性別標籤並使用生理女標籤做區隔 4+
隱藏跨性別經歷,被視爲女生看待 4+
排隊使用公共女性衛浴空間 2+/3+
被禮貌對待,不想被認爲隨便亂性 3+/4+
建立滿足性吸引力以外的其他價值 3+/4+
對服裝多樣化羨慕的追求 2+/3+
對服裝刻板僵化不公的反彈 2+
羨慕女性不用打領帶還能被視為正裝 2+
羨慕女鞋露出那麼多皮膚又透氣還算正裝 2+
要遠離男性的抵制遵循性別規範的生活 2+
越被嘲笑的打扮越要堅持做到好 2+
改善工作環境 讓自己順心工作 2+/3+/4+
換一個身份獲得新的生活  2+
照鏡子時不會那麼討厭自己 2+


★人際關係與生活 25%
發展友誼與社交 4+
願意出門活動 1+/2+
出去接觸人群,改善社恐 2-/4+
緩解自閉症,改善對話焦慮 2+
獲得被愛與關懷 2+/4+
用女人的身份跟喜歡的女生告白  2+/4-
認識搭訕女生 4-  
不被女生直接反射式避嫌或閃避 4+
跟女生做朋友的時候不會被討厭 4+
加入女生交友圈 2+/4+
獲得心靈伴侶發展感情 2-/4-
讓自己交到帥氣陽光溫柔帥哥 4-
讓自己交到可愛漂亮的美女 4-
解除一段不適合的感情關係 4+
求關注,調適邊緣人 2+




★清除陰影面對焦慮 40% 15項-1=14
★社會與自我認知肯定 35% 20項-3=17
★人際關係與生活 25% 15項-6=9

合計0.80 →總體滿意比例為80%








Whether transgender people can live a better life

Unprofessional assessment note in March 2022
Samples were taken from November 2020/11 to November 20201/11


Is there still an incentive to dress up for women every day? Why do transgender people dress up every day? Are you tired? What did you get yourself into like this for? Whether it is derived from the new appearance anxiety


Transsexuality does not mean that all representations must point to the presentation of heterosexual sexuality. A person has a variety of expressions of femininity or masculinity, hyperactivity or quietness. Do you occasionally want to go out without make-up and wear a long T?


Did you go to the hospital for full transsexual details and travel plans
Is life better or no worse after the evaluation than it would have been

Survey self-value %< motivation purpose > and < effectiveness >
Most samples fall between 18-22 and 23-27
A review of the questionnaire will be conducted for six months to one year

Note: Self-importance %< motivation >
Fifty were self-reported trans motives or purposes.


⚫ Definition of effectiveness: trans life compared to non-trans life
★ Observe the difference between idealization and practice after a period of time
Physical fitness 1 Yes/no (+ / -)
Anxiety 2 Effective/ineffective (+ / -)
Self-identification 3 Effective/ineffective (+ / -)
Link population 4 Effective/ineffective (+ / -)


⚫ Idealized self-importance % < transsexual motivation or purpose >
★ Clear shadows facing anxiety 40%
Go back to being friends or best friends with your ex 2+/4+
Embarrass or embarrass your ex-girlfriend
Break away from the framework and coercion of patriarchal conventions 2+
Relief from being laughed at after self-display in public
Stay away from boys and ease misogyny
Stay away from love, reduce worry, not afraid to be yourself 2+
Don't believe in love, date yourself 2+
When you masturbate, you feel more involved
Your family is not so hard on you
Your partner is not so hard on you
Reduce encounters with princess sickness or become tool man 2+
Avoid being tired all day for a few seconds of ejaculation
The attitude of the boss at work is patient
Being treated with gentleness is less of a drudge
Want to escape secular unreasonable responsibility, do not want to brave 2+


★Social and self-recognition affirmation 35%
Understand the value society places on women
Experience the inconveniences of a woman's life
Control diet is regulated, appearance and body are restricted
Drink plenty of water to pay attention to physiological rest and sleep more beauty sleep 1+/2+
Buy underwear. High heels. Short skirt. Jewelry. Cosmetics 2-/3+
Hide the trans label and use the biometric female label to distinguish 4+
Being treated like a girl 4+
Queue to use public female bathroom space 2+/3+
Be treated politely and don't want to be seen as promiscuous
Build to satisfy sexual attraction beyond the value 3+/4+
2+/3+ for the pursuit of diverse clothing envy
Backlash against rigid and unfair clothing 2+
Envy women for not having to wear a tie and still being considered formal 2+
Envy women's shoes expose so much skin and breathable still calculate formal 2+
Stay away from male resistance to living according to gender norms
The more ridiculed you are, the more you have to stick to 2+
Take on a new identity and get a new life
You don't hate yourself so much when you look in the mirror


★ Relationships and life 25%
Develop friendships and socialize 4+
Be willing to get out and be active 1+/2+
Reach out to people and improve social fear 2-/4+
Alleviate autism and improve conversation anxiety 2+
To be loved and cared for 2+/4+
Tell the girl you like as a woman
Meet the pickup girl 4-
Not to be avoided or avoided by girls directly
You don't get hate 4+ when you're friends with girls
Join the girl friend circle 2+/4+
Get a soul mate and develop a relationship 2-/4-
Get yourself into the hands of a handsome, sunny, gentle guy 4-
Put yourself in the hands of cute, beautiful women 4-
Dissolve an unsuitable relationship
Seek attention, adjust marginal people 2+

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Was director's club will don't like to associate with too many strangers don't expect to make objects, more at ease in dealing with girls, and boys communication meeting feel very not adapt, in the end, most in interpersonal demands and work alone is home after work, vacation would occasionally participate in activities, life focuses on maintaining and their living space, let oneself anxiety reduce, I can be a little more comfortable. The difference effect feedback was made after the observation of life practice after the transsexualness. The subjects' life after the transsexualness was compared with that before the original transsexualness. After the evaluation, they investigated whether their life was better or not worse. On the contrary, life will be worse if people do not transgenderize. In life practice, some idealized projects are found to be invalid after observation, and they need to adjust their own ideals to be closer to the current surrounding life, adjust their own planning or change the target direction. The conclusion seems satisfactory on the whole.


Observe the feedback of different effects after transsexual idealization and life practice
Self-importance %< transsexual motivation or purpose >
The order of importance has three, a total of 50 items.
★ Remove shadow facing anxiety 40% 15 items -1=14
Social and self-recognition affirmation 35% 20 items -3=17
★ Relationship and life 25% 15 items -6=9

14 present 50 = 0.28
17 members present 50 = 0.34
9 present 50 = 0.18
Total 0.80 → overall satisfaction rate was 80%


The proportion was 20 per cent
Problem is more < motives or intentions > requirements and status quo of director's own personality, want to do themselves are not good at things, to communicate with people contact will be nervous, is only limited in the stratosphere time on dating, don't want to expand your circle of friends in real life to know people outside of the stratosphere, only communication on the Internet it is not easy to meet a sincere politeness, And others often don't create more room for conversation.


It is suggested to participate in offline activities or filter the conditions of making friends with the individual learning experience or values of the crowd, choose a simple normal gathering place, will not be mistaken by speculators as pure out to play. To clearly reject intrusion, although not pregnant but does not mean that you can casually play, avoid undesirable projection imagination space. After understanding this, the patient made a self-assessment on whether to extend the practice observation for three months before follow-up observation.



    創作者 玲瑄小姐 Lynsey 的頭像
    玲瑄小姐 Lynsey


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